Team Thor or Team Loki?

ChrisFor Writers

I saw the latest Thor : The Dark World Movie last night. Here’s the trailer if you haven’t seen it. Take a moment to watch and enjoy Thor and Loki.

Now to the important question of the day…are you Team Thor, or Team Loki? At first the answer seems simple. Thor is the golden boy, literally. He has a mane of golden hair, dazzling blue eyes, and the type of broad shouldered well muscled torso which makes women swoon. Don’t believe me? Exhibit A:


Loki is the dark, tormented outsider, perpetually stuck in his brother’s broad-shouldered shadow. He slinks onto the scene with the feline grace of a panther. His smile, acerbic wit, and the look in his eyes, which says he’s the smartest person in the room, make him irresistible. He’s the quintessential bad boy who just wants to be loved, but doesn’t know how to let people in. I give you exhibit B:

So, which one would you choose?
