Southern Illinois Weather Woes


1I live in Southern Illinois where the weather ranges from Holy-Crap-It’s-So-Cold-I-Can’t-Feel-My-Fingers to Holy-Crap-It’s-So-Hot-That-My-Waterproof-Mascara-Is-Running-Down-My-Face.  There are occasional nice days in October where we hit that magical fifty to seventy degree mark where it doesn’t hurt to breathe, you can feel all your appendages, and your makeup actually stays on your face.

Today is not one of those days. Today it is 34 degrees and raining. Soon the temperature will drop low enough to turn the rain-soaked sidewalks into slip and slides (not the fun kind). Roads will become slick, but most midwestern drivers know how to handle winter roads. Since it’s Sunday I need to run errands to Target and Aldi’s and I should gas up my car. I’d much rather stay in, drink coffee, and read a book. As long as we have coffee, milk, and cereal I don’t have to go to the grocery story, right? Right.

What’s the weather like where you are?