
Chrishome, Uncategorized

1If you follow me on facebook, you know that I’ve been skunked or rather that my yellow lab Molly was sprayed by a skunk saturday night. For those unfamiliar with the sequence of events, here is my tale of woe.

Saturday night I let Molly out right before we were going to bed. She came racing back into the house, drooling, heaving and rolling on the carpet. And she smelled like gasoline. I’d never smelled skunk up close and personal before. I had no idea it smelled like gas mixed with burnt rubber. All I knew was that my dog was rolling on the floor drooling and whining. Thankfully, we live five minutes from an all night vet. So I climbed into the back seat of my car with Molly on my lap while my husband drove as fast as he could to the vet’s office.

When we reached the office, the staff buzzed us in through a side door. I launched into my tale of how I thought my dog ate something soaked in gas. The lady shook her head and clamped her hand over her nose and said, “That’s skunk.”

I was so relieved to learn that Molly hadn’t ingested something poisonous. The staff whisked her away for a de-skunking bath. They said it would take several baths and a few hours to remove all the skunk oil from her coat. So, we went home, walked into the house, and were hit with the pungent aroma of Eau de Skunk.

Since I am an animal lover and have three dogs, I own a carpet shampooer. So, we shampooed the carpet and I wiped out my car. At two in the morning, the vet called to say Molly was ready to come home. We picked her up and I thought all was right in my world again. Crisis averted.

Sunday morning I woke up and realized that my house still smelled like skunk. I checked my car and it still smelled like skunk. My husband and I re-cleaned everything. I still smelled skunk wherever I went. That’s when I realized that my purse had been stink-bombed when Molly laid on it in the back seat of the car.

I threw my purse in the washing machine with some towels. Twice.  My carpet seems fine. My car still stinks except now it smells like a flowery skunk since the car cleaner I bought was mistakenly labeled “fresh scent” when it should have been labeled “Flowers from hell”. Did I mention that we were planning on trading my car in for a new-to-us car at the end of this month?

Skunk: The stinky gift that keeps on giving.

Have you ever been skunked? What did you do to make the stench go away?