Preparing for UtopYA.

ChrisFor Writers, Uncategorized, UtopYA

UtopYA 2015 is just around the corner. Here’s a peek at what happens inside my head when I’m preparing to attend a conference. Fair warning: my head is a strange place.

First thought: Woo Hoo! UtopYA is here. I get to hang out with Quirky Writer/Reader/Blogger  Chicks who speak my language. But half the people I met last year aren’t going this year. That’s okay. I’ll make new friends. I can do it.

Second thought: Holy crap, what am I going to wear? My summer clothes from last year no longer fit due to the Great Christmas Cookie Binge of 2014 and the fact that double stuffed Oreo’s are freaking awesome. So, time to scour online sales. Order clothes, try them on, return them. Order clothes, try them on, and return them. Curse loudly, order clothes, try them on, find a few things that work and repeat the process again.

Third thought: Must order swag. Must stay within budget. Must reign in desire to create lip gloss and pens and notebooks. Decide to make postcards and bookmarks and magnets and a few shirts.

Fourth thought: For the first time, I have half a table at UtopYA to sell books and give away swag. Last year all I had was swag. Must figure out how to use Square thingy so I can sell books. Must remember to take change. Must remember to pack books.

Fifth thought: I should start packing. *Looks at Pete the shitzu. Decides to put clothes for conference in a laundry basket because the sight of a suitcase will send Pete the shitzu into depression. Ponder if there is any way to sneak Pete into the conference with me.

Here is a sneak peek at two shirts I made to wear at UtopYA. If I were to bring extra to sell, which design would you prefer? The black one or the red and blue one?


Caption on shirt: Do You Believe In Dragons?


Back of Shirt: Do You Believe In Dragons?