It’s Make Me Laugh Wednesday. Enjoy.
The Walking Dead Versus Valentine’s Day.
Make Me Laugh Wednesday
It’s make me laugh wednesday. Here are some random jokes that caught my eye. I hope everyone is staying safe and warm during this frigid weather.
Valentines Day Gifts for Readers and Writers
Valentines day is coming up fast. Do you know what you’re buying for your favorite reader or writer? Chocolate is always good, but if you’re looking for something different check out these gift ideas. … Read More
Make Me Laugh Wednesday
It’s Make Me Laugh Wednesday.
Negative Wind Chill Sucks
I’m sitting outside enjoying the sunshine with my dogs, because it’s forty degrees. (No, that is not a typo.) A few months ago, I would have laughed if anyone referred to forty degrees as warm-enough-to-sit-on-the-deck weather. After experiencing negative twenty wind chill, forty feels downright balmy. And I’m craving outside time. It feels like I’ve been in forced hibernation the … Read More
Make Me Laugh Wednesday
I know it’s Make Me Laugh Wednesday, but I must share my swag. I’m ridiculously proud of this, because it took me a while to figure out something cost effective, quick, and for the most part, idiot proof. On to the funny stuff:
Characters Who Make You Suspend Disbelief or Roll Your Eyes
How much is too much when it comes to the main characters in the book you’re reading? We want the women to be smart, attractive and spunky. We want the men to be smart, attractive and brave. Every once in a while, the characters cross over into the land of there’s-no-way-that-could-happen. I recently read a book I enjoyed. Bad guys … Read More
Make Me Laugh Wednesday
It’s make me laugh wednesday.
What Are You Watching While You Wait For The Walking Dead?
During the weird negative wind chill weather we endured in the midwest, there wasn’t much to watch on TV. It seems like the hiatus between the mid-season finale (a totally made up concept) and the start of new shows has grown longer and longer. Why am I waiting until January 14th to watch the next episode of Supernatural? Why am … Read More
Make Me Laugh Wednesday
The snow and freezing temperatures have screwed up my sense of what day it is. Regardless of the day, I hope this post makes you laugh.
Snow Storm Strategies: Read, Write, Repeat
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to all the readers and writers out there. If you’re not a reader or a writer, what’s wrong with you? Pick up a book. You’ll enjoy it. Seriously. Give it a shot.
Highlight Reel for 2013
At the end of every year, I like to take stock of what worked and what didn’t. Were there any major life changes, or accomplishments I want to celebrate? What are the missteps that I need to avoid in the coming year? Here is my highlight reel for 2013: 1. I sold my first book, Going Down In Flames, to … Read More
Merry Christmas
Just a few funny pictures to say, Merry Christmas.