Live and Let Die: The Bug Freak Out of 2014

ChrisFor Writers, Made Me Laugh

I used to have a live and let live policy when it came to almost all creatures except mosquitoes. If spiders or crickets entered my home, I would scoop them up with a magazine and toss them back outside. Those days are over. Yesterday, I was sitting on my couch, minding my own business when a spider dropped from the … Read More

Fun Food Fantasies

ChrisFor Writers, Paranormal Young Adult

What’s your food fantasy? Before your imagination veers into R rated territory, I’m not talking about a weekend rendezvous with Channing Tatum and a case of chocolate syrup. I’m talking about the food you would eat if there were no repercussions. I would eat an entire bag of double stuffed Oreo’s every day, because Oreo’s are like sunshine for my … Read More

Leggings Are Not Pants

ChrisFor Writers

I would like to take a moment to address a fashion fact that some people don’t seem to understand. Leggings are not pants. Technically, they are shaped like pants, you put them on one leg at a time like pants, but…and this is a very important distinction…they are skin-tight. So unless your skin and muscles are also tight and firm … Read More

The Wonderful World of Author Swag

ChrisFor Writers, UtopYA, writers conference

I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time and more money than I intended on author swag. What is author swag? It’s the items authors produce and give away to promote their books. Before I embarked on my journey into swag, I had no idea how many options there were and how complicated it could all become. There are evil websites … Read More

Happy Easter, or My Ode to Easter Candy

ChrisFor Writers

Today’s Blog is devoted to all things Easter. Let us first take a moment to recognize the miracle that is Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs. Thicker than regular peanut butter cups, there is something about the chocolate to peanut butter ratio that is sublime. I’ve tried all the other variations of Reese’s holiday themed treats: pumpkins, hearts, and christmas trees. While … Read More

How much should ebooks cost?

ChrisFor Writers

Do you buy ebooks? How much should ebooks cost? What price point sells the most books? This Huffington Post article quotes Mark Coker’s survey. Books priced $2.99 and $3.99, on average, received about four times as many unit sales as books priced over $7.99. For indies who could publish low-priced books that were as good or better than what … Read More