It’s Almost Summer


1I have two more weeks of work left at my day job before I go on that marvelous ten week break known as summer vacation. And yes, I am counting down the days. Two more weeks until I can write as much as I want during the day instead of cramming in writing time from five until seven every night after work. My imaginary friends, aka characters, talk to me a lot more during June and July than they do year round, or maybe I’m just a better listener then due to the lack of distractions.

Right now I’m working on the 4th dragon book, which is still nameless. And I can’t tell you how annoying that is to me.  The titles for Going Down In Flames, Bridges Burned, and Trial By Fire came to me before I wrote the stories down. Now it seems like the file name Dragons Book 4 which I see every time I open the file to write is mocking me. I’ve considered Sparks Fly but that doesn’t quite work. Continuing with the fire theme, I’ve played around with Fire, Embers, Sparks, and Blaze but still haven’t come up with the right combination of words.

If you leave a suggestion for a title in the comments for this post, I will put you in a drawing for a copy of any one of my ebooks that are currently published, or a $5 Amazon Gift Card.  Both serious and humorous suggestions are fine as long as they stick to the fire theme.