The Horrors of Dressing Room Lighting, or WTH?

ChrisFor Writers

bathsuitI feel the need to rant. Why do the people who design dressing room lighting use those horrific fluorescent bulbs that suck all pigmentation from your skin and leave you looking like a plucked chicken? I know I’m not tan. I never claimed to be tan. In fact, most of the time when I shop for makeup I choose the lightest shade in the color palette. So, I have no delusions of golden or bronze, sun-kissed skin. But, I also know that in any other lighting, I don’t look like an extra for The Walking Dead.

My question to the clothing industry is, What The Hell? Do you want people to buy clothes or God forbid, even try on a swimsuit? Then perhaps you should re-evaluate the dressing room environment. If you want people to purchase clothing, use normal lighting which won’t make people feel like buying clothes is a waste of time because everything they put on makes them look like death warmed over. And while you’re revamping the dressing room decor, it wouldn’t hurt to put in a wine bar, especially when it’s swimsuit shopping season.

What dressing room improvements would you suggest?