Fear The Walking Dead Discussion

ChrisReaders, The Walking Dead, YA

1So, what did you think of Fear The Walking Dead? I was afraid it would be full of characters that were TSTL (Too Stupid To Live) but I was pleasantly surprised. ***Spoiler Alert***

I like how they opened with Nick, who is a drug addict, seeing one of his friends as a zombie. Was it real? Was he just high? He’s terrified but he isn’t sure if he actually saw his friend eating someone or if  he’s crazy. While he really doesn’t want to be crazy, he obviously doesn’t want his friend to  be a zombie.  Sort of a lose-lose situation for him either way.

When Nick tells his step-father about what he saw, the man doesn’t just laugh it off he investigates.  Of course going into a church at night which is  known to house drug addicts and possibly rabid flesh eating zombies is not a brilliant move, but he does survive and he recognizes bad stuff happened in that place.

Later, when his drug dealer/high school friend tries to shoot him Nick fights back and the gun goes off shooting the drug dealer in the stomach. Torn with grief over what he’s done, he calls his step-father and tells him (I’m paraphrasing here) “I’ve done a terrible thing.”

Step-dad and mom show up. Nick takes him to where the body was, but there is no body. Now he thinks he’s truly going insane. Did he make up the whole thing? And then the drug dealer enters the scene as a zombie. Now two sane, non-drug-addicted people can verify what Nick has seen. He’s not crazy. There really are zombies. For a split second I imagine he felt relieved to discover that he was sane and that it’s just the start of the zombie apocalypse.

So, what are your thoughts on Fear The Walking Dead?