Coffee: The Elixir of Life


614d0f1e3ac821b8ce7ed98e55d34cd5Can you guess what today’s post is about? That’s right. Coffee. I believe that coffee is the Elixir of Life. Without it, I am pretty much useless. I’ve heard rumors that there are people who are capable of waking up and being fully functional humans without the aid of caffeine, but I’m not sure how that is possible.

I wake up in a fog of it-can’t-possibly-be-morning-because-I’m-too-freaking-tired every day. Then I stumble into the kitchen, blindly grab a k-cup and slot it into my keurig. It helps if I’ve remembered to put a cup under the spout to catch the coffee. That is not always a given.

Once I have my cup of liquid nirvana dosed up with French vanilla creamer I lean against the counter and down half of it until my brain kicks on. Then I’m capable of feeding the dogs, making my cereal and sitting down to eat while I read my email. How do you start your day? What’s your favorite flavor of k-cup? I’m partial to coconut mocha.

Check out my coffee board on Pinterest: