Funny Photos: Easter Dogs


While I don’t dress up my own dogs, I love looking at pictures of dogs wearing Easter costumes. Some of them seem to like the outfits, others not so much. Do you dress your dogs for the holidays?

Happy Coffee Mugs


There are some mugs that make your morning a little brighter. The fact that they contain coffee aka the Elixir of Life makes them special to begin with. But these mugs have a little something extra to make you smile. Post a picture of your favorite mug in the comments, or tell me which one of these you like best … Read More

Make Me Laugh Wednesday: Ode to Coffee


I believe that coffee is the Elixir of Life. It fuels my writing and the ability to function at the day job before I can come home and actually write. Happy Hump day.

How an Author Feels After a Book Release: Animal Gifs


Good Morning. I’m sharing some animals gifs to explain how an author feels after a book release. At first you’re like, “Hey, this is going pretty good. I just need to do a few things. I’ll take one step (or bite) at a time. And then you’re like, “Wait. I need to do this and this and this and this and … Read More

Playing with Polyvore


I have discovered a new addiction: Polyvore. Have you heard of it? It’s like an all access pass to clothes you never knew existed. It’s kind of like playing Barbies for adults. You can create fantastic outfits complete with shoes and jewelry that you’d never wear in real life because: A: Thigh high black suede boots aren’t a great choice … Read More

Make Me Laugh Wednesday: What Day is it?

Chrishumor, Uncategorized

Just when I think I have my ducks in a row, I realize I need to write up my Wednesday post. Because tomorrow is Wednesday…right? I think today is Tuesday? Stupid daylight savings time screwed up my sense of time. If you’re one of the areas receiving multiple inches or feet of snow, stay inside, stay safe, and try to stay … Read More

Fanning the Flames Release Success


Thank you to everyone who made the release of Fanning the Flames such a success. If you missed the author interview on Fresh Fiction you can check it out here. Here’s a list of Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Chris Cannon. Don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win a $40.00 Amazon Gift Card. If you … Read More

Pre-Release Day Jitters for Fanning the Flames-Muppet gifs

ChrisDragons, YA

Fanning the Flames, the fourth book in my shape-shifting dragon series, comes out March 6th. Allow me to explain what an author feels like the day before her book releases through Muppet Gifs. Oh, my God. My book comes out tomorrow. What if no one buys the book? What if they buy the book and they think it sucks? Holy Crap. What … Read More

Make Me Laugh Wednesday-Writing Humor


It’s Make Me Laugh Wednesday: the writing humor edition. As a writer you go through many phases of doubt and insecurity when you’re trying to put the multidimensional world in your head down on paper. It’s never quite as vivid as you want it to be. You just hope the readers fill in the gaps.  Fanning the Flames is up … Read More

Sunday Author Swag

ChrisUncategorized, YA

It’s that time of year where I start figuring out my swag options. There are so many swag options online that it can be overwhelming. I’m attending the Barbara Vey Reader Appreciation Weekend April 28-30 so I need to figure out and order my swag soon. Here are some options. Let me know what you like best. One commenter will … Read More

A Very Monday-ish Day


I know yesterday was Tuesday, but it felt oh so very Monday-ish. It felt specifically Monday-ish because it was raining and I couldn’t find an umbrella. I have this special skill where I carry my umbrella into work, because it’s raining in the morning. But then, and this is the important part, I leave the umbrella on my desk when … Read More

Sunday Funnies


I used to love eating powdered sugar donuts and reading the Sunday funnies when I was a kid. I really miss those long skinny bags of sugar covered carbohydrate bliss. Sigh…at least Sunday funnies are still around and calorie free.