Funny Things Overheard this Week


On Twitter, they often have Things Overheard this Week. Here are some that made me smile. What’s the funniest thing you’ve overheard? Leave a comment and you’ll be entered in a drawing to win an ebook from the Going Down In Flames series or The Boyfriend Chronicles.  

Boomerang Boyfriend Excerpt


I’m working on edits for Boomerang Boyfriend, the 3rd book in the Boyfriend Chronicles series. If you can’t tell from the title, it’s a romantic comedy. Today I’m sharing a scene that didn’t make the cut. Sometimes the hardest part of editing is cutting scenes you love. In this scene, Aiden and Delia are trying to talk things out. It isn’t … Read More

Make Me Laugh Wednesday: Is it summer yet?


It’s Make Me Laugh Wednesday. There are two weeks until summer vacation when I can put away my speech therapy hat and be a full time writer. There are days where I’m not sure I’ll make it. LOL. Here are some random funnies to lift all our spirits. Have a great rest of the week.

Boomerang Boyfriend Excerpt


I hope you’re having a great Sunday. Today I’m sharing a snippet from Boomerang Boyfriend which is the next book in the Boyfriend Chronicles series. This chapter is from Delia’s point of view. *** Over the next couple of hours, it was strange to witness Jack being polite to everyone at Betty’s when he’d been a thorn in my side … Read More

Make Me Laugh Wednesday Cranky Comedy


It’s Make Me Laugh Wednesday. The cranky comedy edition. I’ve been cranky since I left author-land this past weekend and came back to the real world day job. I love the little kids I work with, but grown ups are annoying the crap out of me. For more cranky comedy, check out Maxine’s FB page.

Sad to Leave #BVW17 but Happy to be Home


I’m at home on my comfy couch with a shitzu to my left, a german shepherd beagle to my right and a large blond lab laying on my feet. I’m feeling the puppy love and I’m happy to be home. My experience at the Barbara Vey Reader Weekend #BVW17 was amazing. I met a bunch of new readers and writers. … Read More

#BVW17 Bound


I’m attending the Barbara Vey Reader Appreciation Luncheon  #BVW17  on April 28th. I can’t wait to meet all the readers and authors. Now I just have to overcome my natural introvert tendencies. Most readers and authors seem to be introverts, so putting several hundred of us in a hotel together is always interesting. I plan to fake being an extrovert … Read More

Make Me Laugh Wednesday: Punny Pups


It’s make me laugh wednesday and this week I’m featuring punny pups. The expressions on the dogs faces are almost funnier than the jokes. Happy Hump Day.

Happy Easter: Cats in Costumes


Happy Easter. For this post I decided to share some pictures of cats wearing Easter costumes. I combed through Pinterest and found dozens of dogs in bunny costumes. Some were happy about their fancy outfits, and some were not. When I Googled cats in costumes there were far fewer options…and none of them looked happy about what they were wearing. … Read More

Make Me Laugh Wednesday: Cat humor


It’s Make Me Laugh Wednesday. Today I’m sharing some cat humor. I’ve been cat sitting for my sister and recently reconnected with the bat-shit craziness which is the feline condition. My sister has three cats. At any given moment one of them will freeze and then scrabble across the floor like the hounds of hell are after him. Cats are weird.