Sunday Post on a Monday

Chrishumor, Uncategorized

I was out of town this past weekend with my mother and sister. It was our annual weekend getaway where we make bad food choices, drink a little too much wine, and shop summer clearance sales. Here’s a little shopping humor to brighten your Monday.  

Excerpt from Boomerang Boyfriend


I wanted to share an excerpt from Boomerang Boyfriend, a YA Romantic Comedy which comes out in September. This scene takes place at Edison’s, an arcade where Jack and his friend Trevor hang out. *** I ended up being a few minutes late meeting Trevor at Edison’s. He was riding a motorcycle attached to a machine. I slid my card … Read More

A Little Late to Orphan Black


I’ve just discovered Orphan Black on Amazon Prime and I am addicted. Yes, I know I’m late to the party. I’m in the middle of season two. I’m trying to pace myself. One evening I watched three episodes before going to sleep and I had the strangest, most stressful dreams that I swear I will turn into a book one … Read More

Fourth of July Humor


Fourth of July is always a fun holiday. It’s full of food, family, and fireworks. Here’s some fourth of July humor to help celebrate.

Make Me Laugh Wednesday: Coffee Time


It’s Coffee Time! Of course it’s always coffee time at my house. Here’s some coffee themed humor. I hope it makes you smile. For more coffee themed humor you can check out my coffee board on Pinterest

Boomerang Boyfriend Excerpt


I’ve been working on edits for Boomerang Boyfriend, the 3rd book in the Boyfriend Chronicles. Here is a scene from Delia’s point of view. I hope you enjoy it.   Monday morning came way too early. I was grateful for the blue and green plaid Wilton school uniform because it took much less effort than putting together an outfit on … Read More

Happy Father’s Day


Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there and all the people who parent. A special Happy Father’s Day shout out to my dad for all he’s done over the years. (Even though he made me sit on a one-hundred-degree log in the petrified forest for scale so he could take a picture, I still love him.) Here are … Read More

RAGT17 Report


I arrived home from RAGT17 late last night. I had a great time meeting readers and other writers and spending time with people from Entangled Publishing. Here are a few things I learned at the conference. Long bench seats will turn into teeter totters if everyone stands up except the person sitting on the end. The Cincinnati airport hotel is … Read More

Will you be at #RAGT17 ?


I’m excited to share that I’ll be signing books at #RAGT17 .  What is #RAGT17? According to the official website, Lori Foster’s Reader & Author Get Together, affectionately shortened to RAGT, has a two-part mission: to bring together authors & readers, with other industry professionals like editors, agents, publishers and publicists, in a very casual, friendly atmosphere with lots of time … Read More