What does Valentine’s day mean to you? I think it’s a day to eat chocolate and celebrate the people you care about. Speaking of people you care about, I can’t wait to share Bryn’s next adventure in Trial By Fire with you. Until then, here are some dragon necklaces I am contemplating purchasing for a giveaway. Which one is your favorite?
Happy Valentine’s Day by Fandom
I wanted to wish you all a happy Valentine’s Day a few days early. Here are some Valentine’s from various fandoms that made me smile.
Superbowl Shopping Spree
What are your plans for Superbowl Sunday? Mine are non-traditional. I’ll probably eat food that I shouldn’t and hang out with family, but it will not be in front of a television. I did not grow up in a family that watched sports. I married a man who didn’t grow up in a family that watched football. The only “athletic event” … Read More
Make Me Laugh Wednesday: Can You Relate?
Happy Hump Day. I hope you’re having a good week. Time for Make Me Laugh Wednesday: Can You Relate posts. There are common things in life that everyone can relate to. Recently I discovered posts on Pinterest labeled relatable posts. Feel free to comment and let me know if you can relate to the humor in these posts.
Yarn Bombing
According to the Urban Dictionary, yarn bombing is a type of graffiti or street art that employs colorful displays of yarn, rather than paint or chalk. Yarn bombers transform everyday objects in the hopes of entertaining or inspiring the public. As someone who crochets I find this concept entertaining. Half the scarves I crochet are crooked, but yarn bombers can crochet a … Read More
Make Me Laugh Wednesday: Grammar Edition
When you’re an author you spend a lot of time proofreading your own work which can turn you into a grammar nut. Here’s a little grammar humor to make you smile.
Frightening New Development
There has been a frightening new development in my life. As a pseudo-grownup, I have been buying my own groceries for years. Lately I have noticed a frightening trend. When I’m checking out, the bagger has started asking me if I need help getting the groceries to my car. I had only been offered this service once before, after spinal … Read More
Make Me Laugh Wednesday
It’s make me laugh Wednesday. Here are some random funnies I found on Pinterest. Happy Hump Day.
Trial By Fire
I’m about halfway through copy edits for Trial By Fire. Copy edits are the last chance an author has to change a word or rearrange a sentence. This means that I am talking out loud to see how dialogue sounds and calling my husband in from the other room to ask which word sounds better. He gives his opinion, smiles and … Read More
Shadowhunters Premiere
Did you watch the Shadowhunters Premiere last night? If not, you should go find it on Demand or online or somewhere because it was awesome. Was it different from the books? Yes. Is that okay? Yes, as long as it’s entertaining. Here are some of my favorite quotes from the books. And, if you haven’t read them you should.
Words of Wisdom
I thought I’d share some words of wisdom which made me smile. Sometimes it’s all about how you look at the situation. For more like this, check out my Pinterest Board Wise Words.
Gridlock Gripe, or Why I was Late to Work
My commute to the day job is about twenty-five minutes on a good day. I take a back road two-lane highway most of the way to work. Occasionally I get stuck behind a tractor or a school bus. Monday, I had to attend a day of workshops at a different location. I decided to take the main highway. This ended … Read More
A little Coffee Humor
I thought I’d start 2016 with some Coffee humor. Hopefully these will make you smile.