It’s make me laugh Wednesday, the pets edition. Furry creatures bring love and joy and a lot of laughter into your life.
Happy Sunday
Happy Sunday. I thought I’d share some quotes that made me smile.
Make Me Laugh Wednesday: Random Funnies
It’s Make Me Laugh Wednesday. I hope these random funnies make you smile. Have a great day.
Brain Leaks
I used to know things. I used to know a lot of things. Totally non-practical things like how to do Algebra problems or how to say, “I have two yellow pencils.” in Spanish. I used to know the names of all the Cranial nerves. I used to be able to bake Cranberry orange bread without looking at the recipe. Now I … Read More
Make Me Laugh Wednesday
It’s Make Me Laugh Wednesday. I hope these make you smile. Have a great week.
I Can’t Believe It’s July Already
How did July arrive so quickly? I swear sometimes it’s like you blink and a month is gone. July is usually a month of Hades-type-temperatures in Southern Illinois. It’s oddly pleasant and cool, which feels totally wrong. This summer I plan to finish up the next book in my Going Down In Flames series (number 4 if anyone is counting). … Read More
Conferences for Readers, Writers & Bloggers
There are a ton of conferences for readers, writers, and bloggers. Like most people, I have a limited travel budget and a limited time frame to travel. Since I work for a school district as a speech therapist, I am off for 10 weeks during the summer. During those ten fabulous weeks, I can pretend that I’m a full time … Read More
Strange Things You Hear in Airports
Airports are unique little pockets of the universe where you come into contact with all sorts of individuals. If you listen carefully a.k.a. eavesdrop while waiting for your flight you can pick up some interesting information. “Did you know that fluorescent lights suck energy from your body? Think about it. When you work in an office, you’re tired all the … Read More
My Internal Monologue as I Pack for #Utopia2016
MUST PACK ALL THE THINGS! Wait…all the things won’t fit in this suitcase. Maybe I don’t need all the things. *Puts back shoes and pants and tops. Maybe I just need these things. *Attempts to cram lesser amount of things into suitcase. Dang it. Things still don’t fit. Grabs bigger bag. Things fit. There is extra room. Must take more things. … Read More
The Art of Stealth Packing
I’ve been practicing the art of stealth packing. What is stealth packing you ask? It’s trying to pack without letting your dog or cat or various pets know that you are going on a trip. Once your furry friends see the dreaded suitcase, it’s all over. The first time you pull out one of those weird rectangular containers that zip up the … Read More
Make Me Laugh Wednesday
It’s Make Me Laugh Wednesday. I hope these make you smile.
UTOPIA Conference 2016: Advice for newbies
So, I’m super-excited/mildly panicked about attending the UTOPIA Conference in Nashville June 22-26. I’m looking forward to reacquainting myself with my reader/writer/blogger friends that I’ve met over the last three years. I’m nervous because like most bookish people, I’m an introvert. How does an introvert survive a hotel teaming with hundreds of book-loving people who tend to favor tackle hugs? Allow … Read More
Make Me Laugh Wednesday: Coffee Edition
It’s make me laugh Wednesday: coffee edition. Have a great day. I hope these make you smile.
Why I Hate Shopping For Dresses
Today I have decided to rant about one of my least favorite things: dress shopping. There are women who wear dresses all the time and look wonderful. I am not one of those women. Whenever I put on a dress, I look like a fire-hydrant: short, blocky, you get the idea. I can wear pants, capris, jeans and feel good about … Read More
Make Me Laugh Wednesday
It’s Make Me Laugh Wednesday. I hope these make you smile.