I’ve discussed my obsession with The Walking Dead. My first venture into zombie apocalypse territory started years ago with the Resident Evil movies. I totally admit that I only watch them on TV so I can pause and then fast forward through the gory parts. And I don’t understand why the writers felt compelled to include bizarre mutants which become giant ax-wielding mutants in the later movies, but I
love the main character Alice. Maybe it’s because Mila Jovovich portrays Alice as one of the most believable kick-ass chicks ever and she looks the part.
This is not a wonder-bra wearing, fake hair extensions, running in heels type of character. This is a gun toting, martial arts, probably never eaten an Oreo because her body fat is like zero type of character. (Not that there are a lot of Oreo’s up for grabs during the apocalypse, but you know what I mean.) While my love of Oreos and other carb loaded foods will never allow me to have a body like Alice’s, I relate much better to this version of a female protagonist than the typical hollywood version.
If you haven’t watched the Resident Evil series, you should. The movies aren’t perfect. The plot line becomes fuzzy at times, and the characters may do stupid things, but overall it’s an entertaining ride with great action scenes.
What’s your favorite apocalypse/zombie movie?